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3920 Publications

Showing 2721-2730 of 3920 results
02/15/16 | Postembryonic lineages of the Drosophila ventral nervous system: Neuroglian expression reveals the adult hemilineage associated fiber tracts in the adult thoracic neuromeres.
Shepherd D, Harris R, Williams D, Truman JW
The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 2016 Feb 15;524(13):2677-95. doi: 10.1002/cne.23988

During larval life most of the thoracic neuroblasts (NBs) in Drosophila undergo a second phase of neurogenesis to generate adult-specific neurons that remain in an immature, developmentally stalled state until pupation. Using a combination of MARCM and immunostaining with a neurotactin antibody Truman et al. (2004) identified 24 adult specific NB lineages within each thoracic hemineuromere of the larval ventral nervous system (VNS) but because the neurotactin labeling of lineage tracts disappearing early in metamorphosis they were unable extend the identification of the these lineages into the adult. Here we show that immunostaining with an antibody against the cell adhesion molecule Neuroglian reveals the same larval secondary lineage projections through metamorphosis and by identifying each neuroglian positive tract at selected stages we have traced the larval hemilineage tracts for all three thoracic neuromeres through metamorphosis into the adult. To validate tract identifications we used the genetic toolkit developed by Harris et al. (2015) to preserve hemilineage specific GAL4 expression patterns from larval into the adult stage. The immortalized expression proved a powerful confirmation of the analysis of the neuroglian scaffold. This work has enabled us to directly link the secondary, larval NB lineages to their adult counterparts. The data provide an anatomical framework that 1) makes it possible to assign most neurons to their parent lineage and 2) allows more precise definitions of the neuronal organization of the adult VNS based in developmental units/rules. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

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01/22/87 | Postembryonic neurogenesis in the CNS of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta. I. Neuroblast arrays and the fate of their progeny during metamorphosis.
Booker R, Truman JW
The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 1987 Jan 22;255(4):548-59. doi: 10.1002/cne.902550407

The tobacco hornworm Manduca sexta exhibits dramatic changes in its body morphology and behavior as it is transformed from a larva into an adult during metamorphosis. Accompanying these changes is an extensive reorganization of this moth’s central nervous system (CNS), which involves both the death and remodeling of subsets of larval neurons. We report here that the segmental ganglia of the larvae also contain a stereotyped array of identifiable neuronal stem cells (neuroblasts) that contribute over 2,000 cells to each thoracic ganglion and about 40-80 cells to each abdominal ganglion. The distribution of these neuroblasts varies in a segment specific manner. Dormant neuroblasts are found adjacent to the neuropil in late embryos and early first instar larvae. After the molt to the second instar, these cells enlarge and begin to divide. Through a series of asymmetrical divisions, each neuroblast generates a discrete nest of 10-90 progeny by the end of larval life. These progeny (the imaginal nest cells) are developmentally arrested at an early stage of differentiation and remain so until metamorphosis. At the onset of metamorphosis, a wave of cell death sweeps through the nests, the extent of the death being much greater within the abdominal nests than in the thoracic nests. The surviving imaginal nest cells then differentiate to become functional neurons that are incorporated into the adult CNS.

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02/01/90 | Postmetamorphic cell death in the nervous and muscular systems of Drosophila melanogaster.
Kimura KI, Truman JW
The Journal of Neuroscience: The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 1990 Feb;10(2):403-1

Programmed cell death occurs in the nervous and muscular system of newly emerged adult Drosophila melanogaster. Many of the abdominal muscles that were used for eclosion and wing-spreading behavior degenerate by 12 hr after eclosion. Related neurons in the ventral ganglion also die within the first 24 hr. Ligation experiments showed that the muscle breakdown is triggered by a signal from the anterior region, presumably the head, that occurs about 1 hr before adult emergence. The timing of this signal suggests that eclosion hormone may be involved. Although muscle death is triggered prior to ecdysis, it can be delayed, at least temporarily, by forcing the emerging flies to show a prolonged ecdysis behavior. In contrast to the muscles, the death of the neurons is triggered after emergence. The signal for neuronal degeneration is closely correlated with the initiation of wing inflation behavior. Ligation and digging experiments and behavioral manipulations that either blocked or delayed wing expansion behavior had a parallel effect in suppressing or delaying neuronal death.

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Murphy Lab
05/01/01 | Postnatal development of spike generation in rat medial vestibular nucleus neurons.
Murphy GJ, Du Lac S
Journal of Neurophysiology. 2001 May;85(5):1899-906

Image stability during self motion depends on the combined actions of the vestibuloocular and optokinetic reflexes (VOR and OKR, respectively). Neurons in the medial vestibular nucleus (MVN) participate in the VOR and OKR by firing in response to both head and image motion. Their intrinsic spike-generating properties enable MVN neurons to modulate firing rates linearly over a broad range of input amplitudes and frequencies such as those that occur during natural head and image motion. This study examines the postnatal development of the intrinsic spike-generating properties of rat MVN neurons with respect to maturation of peripheral vestibular and visual function. Spike generation was studied in a brain stem slice preparation by recording firing responses to current injected intracellularly through whole cell patch electrodes. MVN neurons fired spontaneously and modulated their firing rate in response to injected current at all postnatal ages. However, the input-output properties of the spike generator changed dramatically during the first two postnatal weeks. Neurons younger than postnatal day 10 could not fire faster than 80 spikes/s, modulated their firing rates over a limited range of input amplitudes, and tended to exhibit a nonlinear relationship between input current and mean evoked firing rate. In response to sustained depolarization, firing rates declined significantly in young neurons. Response gains tended to be highest in the first few postnatal days but varied widely across neurons and were not correlated with age. By about the beginning of the third postnatal week, MVN neurons could fire faster than 100 spikes/s in response to a broad range of input amplitudes, exhibited predominantly linear current-firing rate relationships, and adapted little in response to sustained depolarization. Concomitant decreases in action potential width and the time course of the afterhyperpolarization suggest that changes in potassium currents contribute to the maturation of the MVN neuronal spike generator. The results demonstrate that developmental changes in intrinsic membrane properties enable MVN neurons to fire linearly in response to a broad range of stimuli in time for the onset of visual function at the beginning of the third postnatal week.

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07/08/05 | Postsynaptic depolarization requirements for LTP and LTD: a critique of spike timing-dependent plasticity.
Lisman J, Spruston N
Nat Neurosci. 2005 Jul;8(7):839-41

Long-term potentiation and long-term depression require postsynaptic depolarization, which many current models attribute to backpropagating action potentials. New experimental work suggests, however, that other mechanisms can lead to dendritic depolarization, and that backpropagating action potentials may be neither necessary nor sufficient for synaptic plasticity in vivo.

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Magee Lab
08/07/13 | Potassium channels control the interaction between active dendritic integration compartments in layer 5 cortical pyramidal neurons.
Harnett MT, Xu N, Magee JC, Williams SR
Neuron. 2013 Aug 7;79:516-29. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2013.06.005

Active dendritic synaptic integration enhances the computational power of neurons. Such nonlinear processing generates an object-localization signal in the apical dendritic tuft of layer 5B cortical pyramidal neurons during sensory-motor behavior. Here, we employ electrophysiological and optical approaches in brain slices and behaving animals to investigate how excitatory synaptic input to this distal dendritic compartment influences neuronal output. We find that active dendritic integration throughout the apical dendritic tuft is highly compartmentalized by voltage-gated potassium (KV) channels. A high density of both transient and sustained KV channels was observed in all apical dendritic compartments. These channels potently regulated the interaction between apical dendritic tuft, trunk, and axosomatic integration zones to control neuronal output in vitro as well as the engagement of dendritic nonlinear processing in vivo during sensory-motor behavior. Thus, KV channels dynamically tune the interaction between active dendritic integration compartments in layer 5B pyramidal neurons to shape behaviorally relevant neuronal computations.

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04/01/13 | Potential Patterning Differences Underlying Oviparous and Viviparous Development in the Pea Aphid
R Bickel , H Cleveland , J Barkas , N Belletier , DL Stern , GK Davis
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. 01/2013;53:E247-E247

The pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum, exhibits several environmentally cued, discrete, alternate phenotypes (polyphenisms) during its life cycle. In the case of the reproductive polyphenism, differences in day length determine whether mothers will produce daughters that reproduce either sexually by laying fertilized eggs (oviparous sexual reproduction), or asexually by allowing oocytes to complete embryogenesis within the mother without fertilization (viviparous parthenogenesis). Oocytes and embryos that are produced asexually develop more rapidly, are yolk-free, and much smaller than oocytes and embryos that are produced sexually. Perhaps most striking, the process of oocyte differentiation is truncated in the case of asexual/viviparous development, potentially precluding interactions between the oocyte and surrounding follicle cells that might take place during sexual/oviparous development. Given the important patterning roles that oocyte-follicle cell interactions play in Drosophila, these overt differences suggest that there may be underlying differences in the molecular mechanisms of pattern formation. We have found differences in the expression of homologs of torso-like and tailless, as well as activated MAP kinase, suggesting that there are important differences in the hemipteran version of the terminal patterning system between viviparous and oviparous development. Establishing such differences in the expression of patterning genes between these developmental modes is a first step toward understanding how a single genome manages to direct patterning events in such different embryological contexts.

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08/28/03 | Power-law for axon diameters at branch point.
Chklovskii DB, Stepanyants A
BMC Neuroscience. 2003 Aug 28;4:18. doi: 10.1016/j.tins.2005.05.006

Axon calibers vary widely among different animals, neuron classes, and even within the same neuron. What determines the diameter of axon branches?

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12/01/22 | Practical considerations for quantitative light sheet fluorescence microscopy.
Hobson CM, Guo M, Vishwasrao HD, Wu Y, Shroff H, Chew T
Nature Methods. 2022 Dec 01;19(12):1538-49. doi: 10.1038/s41592-022-01632-x

Fluorescence microscopy has evolved from a purely observational tool to a platform for quantitative, hypothesis-driven research. As such, the demand for faster and less phototoxic imaging modalities has spurred a rapid growth in light sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM). By restricting the excitation to a thin plane, LSFM reduces the overall light dose to a specimen while simultaneously improving image contrast. However, the defining characteristics of light sheet microscopes subsequently warrant unique considerations in their use for quantitative experiments. In this Perspective, we outline many of the pitfalls in LSFM that can compromise analysis and confound interpretation. Moreover, we offer guidance in addressing these caveats when possible. In doing so, we hope to provide a useful resource for life scientists seeking to adopt LSFM to quantitatively address complex biological hypotheses.

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06/01/19 | Practical considerations in particle and object tracking and analysis.
Aaron J, Wait E, DeSantis M, Chew T
Current Protocols in Cell Biology. 2019 Jun 01;83(1):e88. doi: 10.1002/cpcb.88

The rapid advancement of live-cell imaging technologies has enabled biologists to generate high-dimensional data to follow biological movement at the microscopic level. Yet, the "perceived" ease of use of modern microscopes has led to challenges whereby sub-optimal data are commonly generated that cannot support quantitative tracking and analysis as a result of various ill-advised decisions made during image acquisition. Even optimally acquired images often require further optimization through digital processing before they can be analyzed. In writing this article, we presume our target audience to be biologists with a foundational understanding of digital image acquisition and processing, who are seeking to understand the essential steps for particle/object tracking experiments. It is with this targeted readership in mind that we review the basic principles of image-processing techniques as well as analysis strategies commonly used for tracking experiments. We conclude this technical survey with a discussion of how movement behavior can be mathematically modeled and described. © 2019 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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