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3924 Publications

Showing 2821-2830 of 3924 results
06/03/12 | Quantitative high-speed imaging of entire developing embryos with simultaneous multiview light-sheet microscopy.
Tomer R, Khairy K, Amat F, Keller PJ
Nature Methods. 2012 Jun 3;9(7):755-63. doi: 10.1038/nmeth.2062

Live imaging of large biological specimens is fundamentally limited by the short optical penetration depth of light microscopes. To maximize physical coverage, we developed the SiMView technology framework for high-speed in vivo imaging, which records multiple views of the specimen simultaneously. SiMView consists of a light-sheet microscope with four synchronized optical arms, real-time electronics for long-term sCMOS-based image acquisition at 175 million voxels per second, and computational modules for high-throughput image registration, segmentation, tracking and real-time management of the terabytes of multiview data recorded per specimen. We developed one-photon and multiphoton SiMView implementations and recorded cellular dynamics in entire Drosophila melanogaster embryos with 30-s temporal resolution throughout development. We furthermore performed high-resolution long-term imaging of the developing nervous system and followed neuroblast cell lineages in vivo. SiMView data sets provide quantitative morphological information even for fast global processes and enable accurate automated cell tracking in the entire early embryo.

High-resolution movies in the Digital Embryo repository
Nature News: "Fruitfly development, cell by cell" by Lauren Gravitz
Nature Methods Technology Feature: "Faster frames, clearer pictures" by Monya Baker
Andor Insight Awards: Life Sciences Winner

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12/01/08 | Quantitative in vivo imaging of entire embryos with digital scanned laser light sheet fluorescence microscopy.
Keller PJ, Stelzer EH
Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 2008 Dec;18(6):624-32. doi: 10.1016/j.conb.2009.03.008

The observation of biological processes in their natural in vivo context is a key requirement for quantitative experimental studies in the life sciences. In many instances, it will be crucial to achieve high temporal and spatial resolution over long periods of time without compromising the physiological development of the specimen. Here, we discuss the principles underlying light sheet-based fluorescence microscopes. The most recent implementation DSLM is a tool optimized to deliver quantitative data for entire embryos at high spatio-temporal resolution. We compare DSLM to the two established light microscopy techniques: confocal and two-photon fluorescence microscopy. DSLM provides up to 50 times higher imaging speeds and a 10-100 times higher signal-to-noise ratio, while exposing the specimens to at least three orders of magnitude less light energy than confocal and two-photon fluorescence microscopes. We conclude with a perspective for future development.

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Looger Lab
08/01/19 | Quantitative in vivo imaging of neuronal glucose concentrations with a genetically encoded fluorescence lifetime sensor.
Díaz-García CM, Lahmann C, Martínez-François JR, Li B, Koveal D, Nathwani N, Rahman M, Keller JP, Marvin JS, Looger LL, Yellen G
Journal of Neuroscience Research. 2019 Aug 01;97(8):946-60. doi: 10.1002/jnr.24433

Glucose is an essential source of energy for the brain. Recently, the development of genetically encoded fluorescent biosensors has allowed real time visualization of glucose dynamics from individual neurons and astrocytes. A major difficulty for this approach, even for ratiometric sensors, is the lack of a practical method to convert such measurements into actual concentrations in ex vivo brain tissue or in vivo. Fluorescence lifetime imaging provides a strategy to overcome this. In a previous study, we reported the lifetime glucose sensor iGlucoSnFR-TS (then called SweetieTS) for monitoring changes in neuronal glucose levels in response to stimulation. This genetically encoded sensor was generated by combining the Thermus thermophilus glucose-binding protein with a circularly permuted variant of the monomeric fluorescent protein T-Sapphire. Here, we provide more details on iGlucoSnFR-TS design and characterization, as well as pH and temperature sensitivities. For accurate estimation of glucose concentrations, the sensor must be calibrated at the same temperature as the experiments. We find that when the extracellular glucose concentration is in the range 2-10 mM, the intracellular glucose concentration in hippocampal neurons from acute brain slices is ~20% of the nominal external glucose concentration (~0.4-2 mM). We also measured the cytosolic neuronal glucose concentration in vivo, finding a range of ~0.7-2.5 mM in cortical neurons from awake mice.

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Harris LabSinger LabTranscription ImagingFly Functional Connectome
06/05/17 | Quantitative mRNA imaging throughout the entire Drosophila brain.
Long X, Colonell J, Wong AM, Singer RH, Lionnet T
Nature Methods. 2017 Jun 05;14(7):703-6. doi: 10.1038/nmeth.4309

We describe a fluorescence in situ hybridization method that permits detection of the localization and abundance of single mRNAs (smFISH) in cleared whole-mount adult Drosophila brains. The approach is rapid and multiplexable and does not require molecular amplification; it allows facile quantification of mRNA expression with subcellular resolution on a standard confocal microscope. We further demonstrate single-mRNA detection across the entire brain using a custom Bessel beam structured illumination microscope (BB-SIM).

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03/18/16 | Quantitative neuroanatomy for connectomics in Drosophila.
Schneider-Mizell CM, Gerhard S, Longair M, Kazimiers T, Li F, Zwart M, Champion A, Midgley F, Fetter RD, Saalfeld S, Cardona A
eLife. 2016 Mar 18:e12059. doi: 10.7554/eLife.12059

Neuronal circuit mapping using electron microscopy demands laborious proofreading or reconciliation of multiple independent reconstructions. Here, we describe new methods to apply quantitative arbor and network context to iteratively proofread and reconstruct circuits and create anatomically enriched wiring diagrams. We measured the morphological underpinnings of connectivity in new and existing reconstructions of Drosophila sensorimotor (larva) and visual (adult) systems. Synaptic inputs were preferentially located on numerous small, microtubule-free 'twigs' which branch off a single microtubule-containing 'backbone'. Omission of individual twigs accounted for 96% of errors. However, the synapses of highly connected neurons were distributed across multiple twigs. Thus, the robustness of a strong connection to detailed twig anatomy was associated with robustness to reconstruction error. By comparing iterative reconstruction to the consensus of multiple reconstructions, we show that our method overcomes the need for redundant effort through the discovery and application of relationships between cellular neuroanatomy and synaptic connectivity.

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09/26/23 | Quantitative Profiling of Lysosomal pH Heterogeneity using Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy
Dinghuan Deng , Youchen Guan , Baiping Wang , Hui Zheng , Ayse Sena Mutlu , Meng Carla Wang
bioRxiv. 2023 Sep 26:. doi: 10.1101/2023.09.25.559395

Lysosomes play crucial roles in maintaining cellular homeostasis and promoting organism fitness. The pH of lysosomes is a crucial parameter for their proper function, and it is dynamically influenced by both intracellular and environmental factors. Here, we present a method based on fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) for quantitatively analyzing lysosomal pH profiles in diverse types of primary mammalian cells and in different tissues of the live organism Caenorhabditis elegans. This FLIM-based method exhibits high sensitivity in resolving subtle pH differences, thereby revealing the heterogeneity of the lysosomal population within a cell and between cell types. The method enables rapid measurement of lysosomal pH changes in response to various environmental stimuli. Furthermore, the FLIM measurement of pH-sensitive dyes circumvents the need for transgenic reporters and mitigates potential confounding factors associated with varying dye concentrations or excitation light intensity. This FLIM approach offers absolute quantification of lysosomal pH and highlights the significance of lysosomal pH heterogeneity and dynamics, providing a valuable tool for studying lysosomal functions and their regulation in various physiological and pathological contexts.

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01/14/15 | Quantitative Reevaluation of the Effects of Short- and Long-Term Removal of Descending Modulatory Inputs on the Pyloric Rhythm of the Crab, <i>Cancer borealis</i>
Hamood AW, Haddad SA, Otopalik AG, Rosenbaum P, Marder E
eneuro. 2015 Jan 14;2(1):ENEURO.0058-14.2015. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0058-14.2015

The crustacean stomatogastric ganglion (STG) receives descending neuromodulatory inputs from three anterior ganglia: the paired commissural ganglia (CoGs), and the single esophageal ganglion (OG). In this paper, we provide the first detailed and quantitative analyses of the short- and long-term effects of removal of these descending inputs (decentralization) on the pyloric rhythm of the STG. Thirty minutes after decentralization, the mean frequency of the pyloric rhythm dropped from 1.20 Hz in control to 0.52 Hz. Whereas the relative phase of pyloric neuron activity was approximately constant across frequency in the controls, after decentralization this changed markedly. Nine control preparations kept for 5–6 d in vitro maintained pyloric rhythm frequencies close to their initial values. Nineteen decentralized preparations kept for 5–6 d dropped slightly in frequency from those seen at 30 min following decentralization, but then displayed stable activity over 6 d. Bouts of higher frequency activity were intermittently seen in both control and decentralized preparations, but the bouts began earlier and were more frequent in the decentralized preparations. Although the bouts may indicate that the removal of the modulatory inputs triggered changes in neuronal excitability, these changes did not produce obvious long-lasting changes in the frequency of the decentralized preparations.

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11/01/12 | Quantitative semi-automated analysis of morphogenesis with single-cell resolution in complex embryos.
Giurumescu CA, Kang S, Planchon TA, Betzig E, Bloomekatz J, Yelon D, Cosman P, Chisholm AD
Development. 2012 Nov;139(22):4271-9. doi: 10.1242/dev.086256

A quantitative understanding of tissue morphogenesis requires description of the movements of individual cells in space and over time. In transparent embryos, such as C. elegans, fluorescently labeled nuclei can be imaged in three-dimensional time-lapse (4D) movies and automatically tracked through early cleavage divisions up to  350 nuclei. A similar analysis of later stages of C. elegans development has been challenging owing to the increased error rates of automated tracking of large numbers of densely packed nuclei. We present Nucleitracker4D, a freely available software solution for tracking nuclei in complex embryos that integrates automated tracking of nuclei in local searches with manual curation. Using these methods, we have been able to track >99% of all nuclei generated in the C. elegans embryo. Our analysis reveals that ventral enclosure of the epidermis is accompanied by complex coordinated migration of the neuronal substrate. We can efficiently track large numbers of migrating nuclei in 4D movies of zebrafish cardiac morphogenesis, suggesting that this approach is generally useful in situations in which the number, packing or dynamics of nuclei present challenges for automated tracking.

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01/07/19 | Quantitative Super-Resolution Microscopy of the Mammalian Glycocalyx
Möckl L, Pedram K, Roy AR, Krishnan V, Gustavsson A, Dorigo O, Bertozzi CR, Moerner W
Developmental Cell. Jan-07-2019;50(1):57 - 72.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2019.04.035

The mammalian glycocalyx is a heavily glycosylated extramembrane compartment found on nearly every cell. Despite its relevance in both health and disease, studies of the glycocalyx remain hampered by a paucity of methods to spatially classify its components. We combine metabolic labeling, bioorthogonal chemistry, and super-resolution localization microscopy to image two constituents of cell-surface glycans, N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc) and sialic acid, with 10–20 nm precision in 2D and 3D. This approach enables two measurements: glycocalyx height and the distribution of individual sugars distal from the membrane. These measurements show that the glycocalyx exhibits nanoscale organization on both cell lines and primary human tumor cells. Additionally, we observe enhanced glycocalyx height in response to epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and to oncogenic KRAS activation. In the latter case, we trace increased height to an effector gene, GALNT7. These data highlight the power of advanced imaging methods to provide molecular and functional insights into glycocalyx biology.

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02/08/16 | Quantitatively predictable control of Drosophila transcriptional enhancers in vivo with engineered transcription factors.
Crocker J, Ilsley GR, Stern DL
Nature Genetics. 2016 Feb 8:. doi: 10.1038/ng.3509

Genes are regulated by transcription factors that bind to regions of genomic DNA called enhancers. Considerable effort is focused on identifying transcription factor binding sites, with the goal of predicting gene expression from DNA sequence. Despite this effort, general, predictive models of enhancer function are currently lacking. Here we combine quantitative models of enhancer function with manipulations using engineered transcription factors to examine the extent to which enhancer function can be controlled in a quantitatively predictable manner. Our models, which incorporate few free parameters, can accurately predict the contributions of ectopic transcription factor inputs. These models allow the predictable 'tuning' of enhancers, providing a framework for the quantitative control of enhancers with engineered transcription factors.

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