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3920 Publications

Showing 621-630 of 3920 results
10/28/21 | Biosensors based on peptide exposure show single molecule conformations in live cells.
Liu B, Stone OJ, Pablo M, Herron JC, Nogueira AT, Dagliyan O, Grimm JB, Lavis LD, Elston TC, Hahn KM
Cell. 2021 Oct 28;184(22):5670-5685. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2021.09.026

We describe an approach to study the conformation of individual proteins during single particle tracking (SPT) in living cells. "Binder/tag" is based on incorporation of a 7-mer peptide (the tag) into a protein where its solvent exposure is controlled by protein conformation. Only upon exposure can the peptide specifically interact with a reporter protein (the binder). Thus, simple fluorescence localization reflects protein conformation. Through direct excitation of bright dyes, the trajectory and conformation of individual proteins can be followed. Simple protein engineering provides highly specific biosensors suitable for SPT and FRET. We describe tagSrc, tagFyn, tagSyk, tagFAK, and an orthogonal binder/tag pair. SPT showed slowly diffusing islands of activated Src within Src clusters and dynamics of activation in adhesions. Quantitative analysis and stochastic modeling revealed in vivo Src kinetics. The simplicity of binder/tag can provide access to diverse proteins.

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Looger Lab
11/12/19 | Biosensors show the pharmacokinetics of S-Ketamine in the endoplasmic reticulum.
Bera K, Kamajaya A, Shivange AV, Muthusamy AK, Nichols AL, Borden PM, Grant S, Jeon J, Lin E, Bishara I, Chin TM, Cohen BN, Kim CH, Unger EK, Tian L, Marvin JS, Looger LL, Lester HA
Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 2019 Nov 12;13:499. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2019.00499

The target for the "rapid" (<24 h) antidepressant effects of S-ketamine is unknown, vitiating programs to rationally develop more effective rapid antidepressants. To describe a drug's target, one must first understand the compartments entered by the drug, at all levels-the organ, the cell, and the organelle. We have, therefore, developed molecular tools to measure the subcellular, organellar pharmacokinetics of S-ketamine. The tools are genetically encoded intensity-based S-ketamine-sensing fluorescent reporters, iSKetSnFR1 and iSKetSnFR2. In solution, these biosensors respond to S-ketamine with a sensitivity, S-slope = delta(F/F)/(delta[S-ketamine]) of 0.23 and 1.9/μM, respectively. The iSKetSnFR2 construct allows measurements at <0.3 μM S-ketamine. The iSKetSnFR1 and iSKetSnFR2 biosensors display >100-fold selectivity over other ligands tested, including R-ketamine. We targeted each of the sensors to either the plasma membrane (PM) or the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Measurements on these biosensors expressed in Neuro2a cells and in human dopaminergic neurons differentiated from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) show that S-ketamine enters the ER within a few seconds after appearing in the external solution near the PM, then leaves as rapidly after S-ketamine is removed from the extracellular solution. In cells, S-slopes for the ER and PM-targeted sensors differ by <2-fold, indicating that the ER [S-ketamine] is less than 2-fold different from the extracellular [S-ketamine]. Organelles represent potential compartments for the engagement of S-ketamine with its antidepressant target, and potential S-ketamine targets include organellar ion channels, receptors, and transporters.

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02/01/10 | Birth time/order-dependent neuron type specification.
Kao C, Lee T
Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 2010 Feb;20(1):14-21. doi: 10.1016/j.conb.2009.10.017

Neurons derived from the same progenitor may acquire different fates according to their birth timing/order. To reveal temporally guided cell fates, we must determine neuron types as well as their lineage relationships and times of birth. Recent advances in genetic lineage analysis and fate mapping are facilitating such studies. For example, high-resolution lineage analysis can identify each sequentially derived neuron of a lineage and has revealed abrupt temporal identity changes in diverse Drosophila neuronal lineages. In addition, fate mapping of mouse neurons made from the same pool of precursors shows production of specific neuron types in specific temporal patterns. The tools used in these analyses are helping to further our understanding of the genetics of neuronal temporal identity.

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03/01/06 | Bispecific antibodies for dual-modality cancer therapy: killing two signaling cascades with one stone.
Marvin JS, Zhu Z
Current Opinion in Drug Discovery & Development. 2006 Mar;9(2):184-93

The additive and synergistic therapeutic effects derived from combinations of chemotherapeutic drugs and radiation have established an indispensable paradigm: cancer must be attacked on multiple fronts. However, the increased antitumor efficacy of such combinational regimens is also associated with severe systemic toxicity, as these drugs cannot selectively target tumor cells. Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), which have exquisite specificity for their antigens, are becoming an increasingly important class of antitumor agents, as they enhance the efficacy of various therapeutic regimens without significantly increasing systemic toxicity. Furthermore, preclinical and early clinical evidence indicate that combinations of antibody-based drugs provide even greater efficacy with minimal side effects. Unfortunately, the research, manufacturing and regulatory costs of mAb development pose a significant barrier to the use of antibody-based combination therapies. An emerging alternative is the use of dual-targeting bispecific antibodies (BsAbs). BsAbs are derived from the recombination of variable domains of two antibodies with different specificities; BsAbs are thus capable of binding both antigens of their parental antibodies. With the recent progress that has been made in antibody engineering technology, BsAbs that simultaneously target two tumor-associated molecules (eg, growth factor receptors) are being heralded for their potential to deliver two therapeutic moieties in a single molecule.

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06/03/15 | BlastNeuron for automated comparison, retrieval and clustering of 3D neuron morphologies.
Wan Y, Long F, Qu L, Xiao H, Hawrylycz M, Myers EW, Peng H
Neuroinformatics. 2015 Jun 3;13(4):487-99. doi: 10.1007/s12021-015-9272-7

Characterizing the identity and types of neurons in the brain, as well as their associated function, requires a means of quantifying and comparing 3D neuron morphology. Presently, neuron comparison methods are based on statistics from neuronal morphology such as size and number of branches, which are not fully suitable for detecting local similarities and differences in the detailed structure. We developed BlastNeuron to compare neurons in terms of their global appearance, detailed arborization patterns, and topological similarity. BlastNeuron first compares and clusters 3D neuron reconstructions based on global morphology features and moment invariants, independent of their orientations, sizes, level of reconstruction and other variations. Subsequently, BlastNeuron performs local alignment between any pair of retrieved neurons via a tree-topology driven dynamic programming method. A 3D correspondence map can thus be generated at the resolution of single reconstruction nodes. We applied BlastNeuron to three datasets: (1) 10,000+ neuron reconstructions from a public morphology database, (2) 681 newly and manually reconstructed neurons, and (3) neurons reconstructions produced using several independent reconstruction methods. Our approach was able to accurately and efficiently retrieve morphologically and functionally similar neuron structures from large morphology database, identify the local common structures, and find clusters of neurons that share similarities in both morphology and molecular profiles.

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12/27/11 | Bleaching/blinking assisted localization microscopy for superresolution imaging using standard fluorescent molecules.
Burnette DT, Sengupta P, Dai Y, Lippincott-Schwartz J, Kachar B
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2011 Dec 27;108(52):21081-6. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1117430109

Superresolution imaging techniques based on the precise localization of single molecules, such as photoactivated localization microscopy (PALM) and stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM), achieve high resolution by fitting images of single fluorescent molecules with a theoretical Gaussian to localize them with a precision on the order of tens of nanometers. PALM/STORM rely on photoactivated proteins or photoswitching dyes, respectively, which makes them technically challenging. We present a simple and practical way of producing point localization-based superresolution images that does not require photoactivatable or photoswitching probes. Called bleaching/blinking assisted localization microscopy (BaLM), the technique relies on the intrinsic bleaching and blinking behaviors characteristic of all commonly used fluorescent probes. To detect single fluorophores, we simply acquire a stream of fluorescence images. Fluorophore bleach or blink-off events are detected by subtracting from each image of the series the subsequent image. Similarly, blink-on events are detected by subtracting from each frame the previous one. After image subtractions, fluorescence emission signals from single fluorophores are identified and the localizations are determined by fitting the fluorescence intensity distribution with a theoretical Gaussian. We also show that BaLM works with a spectrum of fluorescent molecules in the same sample. Thus, BaLM extends single molecule-based superresolution localization to samples labeled with multiple conventional fluorescent probes.

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04/01/03 | Body-size control: how an insect knows it has grown enough.
Stern D
Curr Biol. 2003 Apr 1;13(7):R267-9

Insulin signaling controls organ growth and final body size in insects. Recent results have begun to clarify how insulin signaling drives organ growth to match nutrient levels, but have not yet elucidated how insulin signaling controls final body size.

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11/13/01 | Body-size evolution: how to evolve a mammoth moth.
Stern D
Curr Biol. 2001 Nov 13;11(22):R917-9

Separate recent studies have revealed the physiological changes underlying the evolution of body size in an insect and advanced our understanding of the genetics of insect growth. These studies highlight the gulf between physiological and genetic studies of growth control and the exciting opportunities for unification of these fields.

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02/23/12 | Bone marrow homing and engraftment of human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells is mediated by a polarized membrane domain.
Larochelle A, Gillette JM, Desmond R, Ichwan B, Cantilena A, Cerf A, Barrett AJ, Wayne AS, Lippincott-Schwartz J, Dunbar CE
Blood. 2012 Feb 23;119(8):1848-55. doi: 10.1182/blood-2011-08-371583

Manipulation of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPCs) ex vivo is of clinical importance for stem cell expansion and gene therapy applications. However, most cultured HSPCs are actively cycling, and show a homing and engraftment defect compared with the predominantly quiescent noncultured HSPCs. We previously showed that HSPCs make contact with osteoblasts in vitro via a polarized membrane domain enriched in adhesion molecules such as tetraspanins. Here we show that increased cell cycling during ex vivo culture of HSPCs resulted in disruption of this membrane domain, as evidenced by disruption of polarity of the tetraspanin CD82. Chemical disruption or antibody-mediated blocking of CD82 on noncultured HSPCs resulted in decreased stromal cell adhesion, homing, and engraftment in nonobese diabetic/severe combined immunodeficiency IL-2γ(null) (NSG) mice compared with HSPCs with an intact domain. Most leukemic blasts were actively cycling and correspondingly displayed a loss of domain polarity and decreased homing in NSG mice compared with normal HSPCs. We conclude that quiescent cells, unlike actively cycling cells, display a polarized membrane domain enriched in tetraspanins that mediates homing and engraftment, providing a mechanistic explanation for the homing/engraftment defect of cycling cells and a potential new therapeutic target to enhance engraftment.

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02/23/11 | Bone marrow homing and engraftment of human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells is mediated by a polarized membrane domain.
Larochelle A, Gillette JM, Desmond R, Ichwan B, Cantilena A, Cerf A, Barrett AJ, Wayne AS, Lippincott-Schwartz J, Dunbar CE
Blood. 2012 Feb 23;119(8):1848-55. doi: 10.1182/blood-2011-08-371583

Manipulation of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPCs) ex vivo is of clinical importance for stem cell expansion and gene therapy applications. However, most cultured HSPCs are actively cycling, and show a homing and engraftment defect compared with the predominantly quiescent noncultured HSPCs. We previously showed that HSPCs make contact with osteoblasts in vitro via a polarized membrane domain enriched in adhesion molecules such as tetraspanins. Here we show that increased cell cycling during ex vivo culture of HSPCs resulted in disruption of this membrane domain, as evidenced by disruption of polarity of the tetraspanin CD82. Chemical disruption or antibody-mediated blocking of CD82 on noncultured HSPCs resulted in decreased stromal cell adhesion, homing, and engraftment in nonobese diabetic/severe combined immunodeficiency IL-2γ(null) (NSG) mice compared with HSPCs with an intact domain. Most leukemic blasts were actively cycling and correspondingly displayed a loss of domain polarity and decreased homing in NSG mice compared with normal HSPCs. We conclude that quiescent cells, unlike actively cycling cells, display a polarized membrane domain enriched in tetraspanins that mediates homing and engraftment, providing a mechanistic explanation for the homing/engraftment defect of cycling cells and a potential new therapeutic target to enhance engraftment.

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