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144 Publications

Showing 1-10 of 144 results
01/31/25 | Targets of Circadian Clock Neurons Influence Core Clock Parameters
Scholz-Carson E, Iyer AR, Ewer J, Fernandez MP
bioRxiv. 01/2025:. doi:

Neuronal connectivity in the circadian clock network is essential for robust endogenous timekeeping. In the Drosophila circadian clock network, the four pairs of small ventral lateral neurons (sLNvs) serve as main pacemakers. Peptidergic communication via sLNv, which release the key output neuropeptide, Pigment Dispersing Factor (PDF), has been well characterized. In the absence of PDF, flies become largely arrhythmic, similar to the phenotype associated with the loss of the mammalian circadian peptide, VIP. In contrast, little is known about the role of the synaptic connections that sLNvs form with downstream neurons. Connectomic analyses revealed that despite their role as key pacemaker neurons within the clock network, the sLNvs form few connections with other clock neurons. However, they form strong synaptic connections with a small group of previously uncharacterized neurons, SLP316, which in turn synapse onto dorsal clock neurons. Here, we show that silencing SLP316 neurons via tetanus toxin (TNT) expression shortens the free-running period, whereas hyper-exciting them by expressing the constitutively open Na[+] channel, NaChBac, results in period lengthening. Under light-dark cycles, silencing SLP316 neurons also causes lower daytime activity and higher daytime sleep. Our results revealed that the main postsynaptic partners of the Drosophila pacemaker neurons are a non-clock neuronal cell type that regulates the timing of sleep and activity.

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01/31/25 | Targets of Circadian Clock Neurons Influence Core Clock Parameters
Scholz-Carson E, Iyer AR, Nern A, Ewer J, Fernandez MP
bioRxiv. 01/2025:. doi:

Neuronal connectivity in the circadian clock network is essential for robust endogenous timekeeping. In the Drosophila circadian clock network, the four pairs of small ventral lateral neurons (sLNvs) serve as main pacemakers. Peptidergic communication via sLNv, which release the key output neuropeptide, Pigment Dispersing Factor (PDF), has been well characterized. In the absence of PDF, flies become largely arrhythmic, similar to the phenotype associated with the loss of the mammalian circadian peptide, VIP. In contrast, little is known about the role of the synaptic connections that sLNvs form with downstream neurons. Connectomic analyses revealed that despite their role as key pacemaker neurons within the clock network, the sLNvs form few connections with other clock neurons. However, they form strong synaptic connections with a small group of previously uncharacterized neurons, SLP316, which in turn synapse onto dorsal clock neurons. Here, we show that silencing SLP316 neurons via tetanus toxin (TNT) expression shortens the free-running period, whereas hyper-exciting them by expressing the constitutively open Na[+] channel, NaChBac, results in period lengthening. Under light-dark cycles, silencing SLP316 neurons also causes lower daytime activity and higher daytime sleep. Our results revealed that the main postsynaptic partners of the Drosophila pacemaker neurons are a non-clock neuronal cell type that regulates the timing of sleep and activity.

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01/21/25 | Cell type-specific driver lines targeting the Drosophila central complex and their use to investigate neuropeptide expression and sleep regulation
Wolff T, Eddison M, Chen N, Nern A, Sundaramurthi P, Sitaraman D, Rubin GM
elife. 01/2025:. doi: 10.7554/elife.104764.1

The central complex (CX) plays a key role in many higher-order functions of the insect brain including navigation and activity regulation. Genetic tools for manipulating individual cell types, and knowledge of what neurotransmitters and neuromodulators they express, will be required to gain mechanistic understanding of how these functions are implemented. We generated and characterized split-GAL4 driver lines that express in individual or small subsets of about half of CX cell types. We surveyed neuropeptide and neuropeptide receptor expression in the central brain using fluorescent in situ hybridization. About half of the neuropeptides we examined were expressed in only a few cells, while the rest were expressed in dozens to hundreds of cells. Neuropeptide receptors were expressed more broadly and at lower levels. Using our GAL4 drivers to mark individual cell types, we found that 51 of the 85 CX cell types we examined expressed at least one neuropeptide and 21 expressed multiple neuropeptides. Surprisingly, all co-expressed a small neurotransmitter. Finally, we used our driver lines to identify CX cell types whose activation affects sleep, and identified other central brain cell types that link the circadian clock to the CX. The well-characterized genetic tools and information on neuropeptide and neurotransmitter expression we provide should enhance studies of the CX.

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01/06/25 | A split-GAL4 driver line resource for Drosophila neuron types
Meissner GW, Vannan A, Jeter J, Close K, Depasquale GM, Dorman Z, Forster K, Beringer JA, Gibney TV, Hausenfluck JH, He Y, Henderson K, Johnson L, Johnston RM, Ihrke G, Iyer N, Lazarus R, Lee K, Li H, Liaw H, Melton B, Miller S, Motaher R, Novak A, Ogundeyi O, Petruncio A, Price J, Protopapas S, Tae S, Taylor J, Vorimo R, Yarbrough B, Zeng KX, Zugates CT, Dionne H, Angstadt C, Ashley K, Cavallaro A, Dang T, Gonzalez GA, Hibbard KL, Huang C, Kao J, Laverty T, Mercer M, Perez B, Pitts S, Ruiz D, Vallanadu V, Zheng GZ, Goina C, Otsuna H, Rokicki K, Svirskas RR, Cheong HS, Dolan M, Ehrhardt E, Feng K, El Galfi B, Goldammer J, Huston SJ, Hu N, Ito M, McKellar C, minegishi r, Namiki S, Nern A, Schretter CE, Sterne GR, Venkatasubramanian L, Wang K, Wolff T, Wu M, George R, Malkesman O, Aso Y, Card GM, Dickson BJ, Korff W, Ito K, Truman JW, Zlatic M, Rubin GM
11/20/24 | Social state gates vision using three circuit mechanisms in Drosophila
Catherine E. Schretter , Tom Hindmarsh Sten , Nathan Klapoetke , Mei Shao , Aljoscha Nern , Marisa Dreher , Daniel Bushey , Alice A. Robie , Adam L. Taylor , Kristin M. Branson , Adriane Otopalik , Vanessa Ruta , Gerald M. Rubin
Nature. 2024 Nov 20:. doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-08255-6

Animals are often bombarded with visual information and must prioritize specific visual features based on their current needs. The neuronal circuits that detect and relay visual features have been well studied. Much less is known about how an animal adjusts its visual attention as its goals or environmental conditions change. During social behaviours, flies need to focus on nearby flies. Here we study how the flow of visual information is altered when female Drosophila enter an aggressive state. From the connectome, we identify three state-dependent circuit motifs poised to modify the response of an aggressive female to fly-sized visual objects: convergence of excitatory inputs from neurons conveying select visual features and internal state; dendritic disinhibition of select visual feature detectors; and a switch that toggles between two visual feature detectors. Using cell-type-specific genetic tools, together with behavioural and neurophysiological analyses, we show that each of these circuit motifs is used during female aggression. We reveal that features of this same switch operate in male Drosophila during courtship pursuit, suggesting that disparate social behaviours may share circuit mechanisms. Our study provides a compelling example of using the connectome to infer circuit mechanisms that underlie dynamic processing of sensory signals.

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10/21/24 | Cell type-specific driver lines targeting the Drosophila central complex and their use to investigate neuropeptide expression and sleep regulation
Wolff T, Eddison M, Chen N, Nern A, Sundaramurthi P, Sitaraman D, Rubin GM
bioRxiv. 2024 Oct 21:. doi: 10.1101/2024.10.21.619448

The central complex (CX) plays a key role in many higher-order functions of the insect brain including navigation and activity regulation. Genetic tools for manipulating individual cell types, and knowledge of what neurotransmitters and neuromodulators they express, will be required to gain mechanistic understanding of how these functions are implemented. We generated and characterized split-GAL4 driver lines that express in individual or small subsets of about half of CX cell types. We surveyed neuropeptide and neuropeptide receptor expression in the central brain using fluorescent in situ hybridization. About half of the neuropeptides we examined were expressed in only a few cells, while the rest were expressed in dozens to hundreds of cells. Neuropeptide receptors were expressed more broadly and at lower levels. Using our GAL4 drivers to mark individual cell types, we found that 51 of the 85 CX cell types we examined expressed at least one neuropeptide and 21 expressed multiple neuropeptides. Surprisingly, all co-expressed a small neurotransmitter. Finally, we used our driver lines to identify CX cell types whose activation affects sleep, and identified other central brain cell types that link the circadian clock to the CX. The well-characterized genetic tools and information on neuropeptide and neurotransmitter expression we provide should enhance studies of the CX.

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10/02/24 | Connectomic reconstruction predicts visual features used for navigation.
Garner D, Kind E, Yuet Ha Lai J, Nern A, Zhao A, Houghton L, Sancer G, Wolff T, Rubin GM, Wernet MF, Kim SS
Nature. 2024 Oct 02;634(8032):181-190. doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-07967-z

Many animals use visual information to navigate, but how such information is encoded and integrated by the navigation system remains incompletely understood. In Drosophila melanogaster, EPG neurons in the central complex compute the heading direction by integrating visual input from ER neurons, which are part of the anterior visual pathway (AVP). Here we densely reconstruct all neurons in the AVP using electron-microscopy data. The AVP comprises four neuropils, sequentially linked by three major classes of neurons: MeTu neurons, which connect the medulla in the optic lobe to the small unit of the anterior optic tubercle (AOTUsu) in the central brain; TuBu neurons, which connect the AOTUsu to the bulb neuropil; and ER neurons, which connect the bulb to the EPG neurons. On the basis of morphologies, connectivity between neural classes and the locations of synapses, we identify distinct information channels that originate from four types of MeTu neurons, and we further divide these into ten subtypes according to the presynaptic connections in the medulla and the postsynaptic connections in the AOTUsu. Using the connectivity of the entire AVP and the dendritic fields of the MeTu neurons in the optic lobes, we infer potential visual features and the visual area from which any ER neuron receives input. We confirm some of these predictions physiologically. These results provide a strong foundation for understanding how distinct sensory features can be extracted and transformed across multiple processing stages to construct higher-order cognitive representations.

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04/18/24 | Connectome-driven neural inventory of a complete visual system
Aljoscha Nern , Frank Loesche , Shin-ya Takemura , Laura E Burnett , Marisa Dreher , Eyal Gruntman , Judith Hoeller , Gary B Huang , Michal Januszewski , Nathan C Klapoetke , Sanna Koskela , Kit D Longden , Zhiyuan Lu , Stephan Preibisch , Wei Qiu , Edward M Rogers , Pavithraa Seenivasan , Arthur Zhao , John Bogovic , Brandon S Canino , Jody Clements , Michael Cook , Samantha Finley-May , Miriam A Flynn , Imran Hameed , Kenneth J Hayworth , Gary Patrick Hopkins , Philip M Hubbard , William T Katz , Julie Kovalyak , Shirley A Lauchie , Meghan Leonard , Alanna Lohff , Charli A Maldonado , Caroline Mooney , Nneoma Okeoma , Donald J Olbris , Christopher Ordish , Tyler Paterson , Emily M Phillips , Tobias Pietzsch , Jennifer Rivas Salinas , Patricia K Rivlin , Ashley L Scott , Louis A Scuderi , Satoko Takemura , Iris Talebi , Alexander Thomson , Eric T Trautman , Lowell Umayam , Claire Walsh , John J Walsh , C Shan Xu , Emily A Yakal , Tansy Yang , Ting Zhao , Jan Funke , Reed George , Harald F Hess , Gregory S X E Jefferis , Christopher Knecht , Wyatt Korff , Stephen M Plaza , Sandro Romani , Stephan Saalfeld , Louis K Scheffer , Stuart Berg , Gerald M Rubin , Michael B Reiser
bioRxiv. 2024 Apr 18:. doi: 10.1101/2024.04.16.589741

Vision provides animals with detailed information about their surroundings, conveying diverse features such as color, form, and movement across the visual scene. Computing these parallel spatial features requires a large and diverse network of neurons, such that in animals as distant as flies and humans, visual regions comprise half the brain’s volume. These visual brain regions often reveal remarkable structure-function relationships, with neurons organized along spatial maps with shapes that directly relate to their roles in visual processing. To unravel the stunning diversity of a complex visual system, a careful mapping of the neural architecture matched to tools for targeted exploration of that circuitry is essential. Here, we report a new connectome of the right optic lobe from a male Drosophila central nervous system FIB-SEM volume and a comprehensive inventory of the fly’s visual neurons. We developed a computational framework to quantify the anatomy of visual neurons, establishing a basis for interpreting how their shapes relate to spatial vision. By integrating this analysis with connectivity information, neurotransmitter identity, and expert curation, we classified the 53,000 neurons into 727 types, about half of which are systematically described and named for the first time. Finally, we share an extensive collection of split-GAL4 lines matched to our neuron type catalog. Together, this comprehensive set of tools and data unlock new possibilities for systematic investigations of vision in Drosophila, a foundation for a deeper understanding of sensory processing.

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01/25/24 | New genetic tools for mushroom body output neurons in Drosophila
Rubin GM, Aso Y
eLife. 2024 Jan 24:. doi: 10.7554/eLife.90523

How memories of past events influence behavior is a key question in neuroscience. The major associative learning center in Drosophila, the Mushroom Body (MB), communicates to the rest of the brain through Mushroom Body Output Neurons (MBONs). While 21 MBON cell types have their dendrites confined to small compartments of the MB lobes, analysis of EM connectomes revealed the presence of an additional 14 MBON cell types that are atypical in having dendritic input both within the MB lobes and in adjacent brain regions. Genetic reagents for manipulating atypical MBONs and experimental data on their functions has been lacking. In this report we describe new cell-type-specific GAL4 drivers for many MBONs, including the majority of atypical MBONs. Using these genetic reagents, we conducted optogenetic activation screening to examine their ability to drive behaviors and learning. These reagents provide important new tools for the study of complex behaviors in Drosophila.

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09/16/23 | Driver lines for studying associative learning in Drosophila
Yichun Shuai , Megan Sammons , Gabriella Sterne , Karen Hibbard , He Yang , Ching-Po Yang , Claire Managan , Igor Siwanowicz , Tzumin Lee , Gerald M. Rubin , Glenn Turner , Yoshinori Aso
bioRxiv. 2023 Sep 16:. doi:

The mushroom body (MB) is the center for associative learning in insects. In Drosophila, intersectional split-GAL4 drivers and electron microscopy (EM) connectomes have laid the foundation for precise interrogation of the MB neural circuits. However, many cell types upstream and downstream of the MB remained to be investigated due to lack of driver lines. Here we describe a new collection of over 800 split-GAL4 and split-LexA drivers that cover approximately 300 cell types, including sugar sensory neurons, putative nociceptive ascending neurons, olfactory and thermo-/hygro-sensory projection neurons, interneurons connected with the MB-extrinsic neurons, and various other cell types. We characterized activation phenotypes for a subset of these lines and identified the sugar sensory neuron line most suitable for reward substitution. Leveraging the thousands of confocal microscopy images associated with the collection, we analyzed neuronal morphological stereotypy and discovered that one set of mushroom body output neurons, MBON08/MBON09, exhibits striking individuality and asymmetry across animals. In conjunction with the EM connectome maps, the driver lines reported here offer a powerful resource for functional dissection of neural circuits for associative learning in adult Drosophila.

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