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In Press
Gonen T, Waksman G..  In Press.  Recent progress in membrane protein structures and investigation methods.. Current Opinion in Structural Biology. 22(4):467-8.
Vijayakumaran A, Godbehere C, Abuammar A, Breusegem SY, Hurst LR, Morone N, Llodra J, Dalbay MT, Tanvir NM, MacLellan-Gibson K. et al..  2024.  3D nanoscale architecture of the respiratory epithelium reveals motile cilia-rootlets-mitochondria axis of communication. bioRxiv.
Shiozaki HM, Wang K, Lillvis JL, Xu M, Dickson BJ, Stern DL.  2024.  Activity of nested neural circuits drives different courtship songs in Drosophila.. Nat Neurosci.
Rodríguez C, Pan D, Natan RG, Mohr MA, Miao M, Chen X, Northen TR, Vogel JP, Ji N.  2024.  Adaptive optical third-harmonic generation microscopy for in vivo imaging of tissues. bioRxiv.
Gao SMax, Qi Y, Zhang Q, Guan Y, Lee Y-T, Ding L, Wang L, Mohammed AS, Li H, Fu Y et al..  2024.  Aging atlas reveals cell-type-specific effects of pro-longevity strategies.. Nat Aging.
Selfe JS, Steyn TJS, Shorer EF, Burman RJ, Düsterwald KM, Kraitzick AZ, Abdelfattah AS, Schreiter ER, Newey SE, Akerman CJ et al..  2024.  All-optical reporting of inhibitory receptor driving force in the nervous system. Nat Commun. 15(1):8913.
Updegrove TB, Delerue T, Anantharaman V., Cho H, Chan C, Nipper T, Choo-Wosoba H, Jenkins L, Zhang L, Su Y et al..  2024.  Altruistic feeding and cell-cell signaling during bacterial differentiation actively enhance phenotypic heterogeneity. bioRxiv.
Bao L, Fu L, Su Y, Chen Z, Peng Z, Sun L, Gonzalez FJ, Wu C, Zhang H, Shi B et al..  2024.  Amino acid transporter SLC7A5 regulates cell proliferation and secretary cell differentiation and distribution in the mouse intestine. Int J Biol Sci. 20(6):2187-2201.
Breimann L, Bahry E, Zouinkhi M, Kolyvanov K, Street LAnnika, Preibisch S, Ercan S.  2024.  Analysis of developmental gene expression using smFISH and in silico staging of C. elegans embryos. bioRxiv.
Man B, Kim E, Vadlakonda A, Stern DL, Crown N.  2024.  Analysis of meiotic recombination in Drosophila simulans shows heterozygous inversions do not cause an interchromosomal effect. Genetics.
Barrero DJ, Wijeratne SS, Zhao X, Cunningham GF, Yan R, Nelson CR, Arimura Y, Funabiki H, Asbury CL, Yu Z et al..  2024.  Architecture and flexibility of native kinetochores revealed by structural studies utilizing a thermophilic yeast. Curr Biol. S0960-9822(24):00939-4.
Miura Y, Kim J-il, Jurjut O, Kelley KW, Yang X, Chen X, Thete MVijay, Revah O, Cui B, Pachitariu M et al..  2024.  Assembloid model to study loop circuits of the human nervous system. bioRxiv.
Athreya A, Xie L, Tjian R, Zhang B, Liu ZJ.  2024.  Assessing the impact of Brd2 depletion on chromatin compartmentalization. bioRxiv.
Ahrens MB, Khakh BS, Poskanzer KE.  2024.  Astrocyte Calcium Signaling. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol.
Lee Y-T, Senturk M, Guan Y, Wang MC.  2024.  Bacteria-organelle communication in physiology and disease. J Cell Biol. 223(7)
Hillsley A, Stein J, Tillberg PW, Stern DL, Funke J.  2024.  A Bayesian Solution to Count the Number of Molecules within a Diffraction Limited Spot. bioRxiv.
Lee RM, Eisenman LR, Khuon S, Aaron JS, Chew T-L.  2024.  Believing is seeing - the deceptive influence of bias in quantitative microscopy.. Journal of Cell Science. 137(1)
Aggarwal A, Sunil S, Bendifallah I, Moon M, Drobizhev M, Zarowny L, Zheng J, Wu S-Y, Lohman AW, Tebo AG et al..  2024.  Blue-shifted genetically encoded Ca2+ indicator with enhanced two-photon absorption. Neurophotonics.
Chen S, Liu Y, Wang ZAiden, Colonell J, Liu LD, Hou H, Tien N-W, Wang T, Harris T, Druckmann S et al..  2024.  Brain-wide neural activity underlying memory-guided movement.. Cell. 187(3):676-691.e16.
Schnoes AM, Green NH, Nguyen TA, Vale RD, Goodwin SS, Behrman SL.  2024.  Bridging gaps in traditional research training with iBiology Courses.. PLoS Biology. 22(1):e3002458.
Hoeller J, Zhong L, Pachitariu M, Romani S.  2024.  Bridging tuning and invariance with equivariant neuronal representations. bioRxiv.
De Niz M, García REscobedo, Ramirez CTerán, Pakowski Y, Abonza Y, Bialy N, Orr VL, Olivera A, Abonza V, Alleva K et al..  2024.  Building momentum through networks: Bioimaging across the Americas. Journal of Microscopy. n/a
Krasley AT, Li E, Galeana JM, Bulumulla C, Beyene AG, Demirer GS.  2024.  Carbon Nanomaterial Fluorescent Probes and Their Biological Applications. Chemical Reviews.
Chareyre S, Li X, Anjuwon-Foster BR, Updegrove TB, Clifford S, Brogan AP, Su Y, Zhang L, Chen J, Shroff H et al..  2024.  Cell division machinery drives cell-specific gene activation during differentiation in .. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 121(13):e2400584121.