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Neufeld TP, Rubin GM.  1994.  The Drosophila peanut gene is required for cytokinesis and encodes a protein similar to yeast putative bud neck filament proteins.. Cell. 77(3):371-9.
Jonas P, Spruston N.  1994.  Mechanisms shaping glutamate-mediated excitatory postsynaptic currents in the CNS.. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 4(3):366-72.
Hess HF, Betzig E, Harris TD, Pfeiffer LN, West KW.  1994.  Near-field spectroscopy of the quantum constituents of a luminescent system.. Science. 264(5166):1740-5.
Hess HF, Betzig E, Harris TD, Pfeiffer LN, West KW.  1994.  Near-field spectroscopy of the quantum constituents of a luminescent system. (With commentary). Science. 264(5166):1740-5.
Ewer J, de Vente J, Truman JW.  1994.  Neuropeptide induction of cyclic GMP increases in the insect CNS: resolution at the level of single identifiable neurons.. The Journal of Neuroscience: The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 14(12):7704-12.
Stern DL.  1994.  A phylogenetic analysis of soldier evolution in the aphid family Hormaphididae.. Proc Biol Sci. 256(1346):203-9.
Myers E.  1994.  A sublinear algorithm for approximate keyword matching.. Algorithmica. 12(4-5):345-74.
Stern D.L, Aoki S., Kurosu U..  1994.  A test of geometric hypotheses for soldier investment patterns in the gall producing tropical aphidCerataphis fransseni (Homoptera, Hormaphididae). Insectes sociaux. 41(4):457-460.
Xu T, Rubin GM.  1993.  Analysis of genetic mosaics in developing and adult Drosophila tissues.. Development. 117(4):1223-37.
Parisi MA, Xu B, Clayton DA.  1993.  A human mitochondrial transcriptional activator can functionally replace a yeast mitochondrial HMG-box protein both in vivo and in vitro.. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 13(3):1951-61.
Betzig E, Chichester RJ, Lanni F, Taylor DL.  1993.  Near-field fluorescence imaging of cytoskeletal actin. (With commentary). Bioimaging. 1(3):129-35.
Whitten WM, Young AM, Stern DL.  1993.  Nonfloral sources of chemicals that attract male euglossine bees (Apidae: Euglossini).. J Chem Ecol. 19(12):3017-27.
Hines MA, Chabal YJ, Harris TD, Harris AL.  1993.  Raman studies of steric hindrance and surface relaxation of stepped H-terminated silicon surfaces.. Physical Review Letters. 71(14):2280-83.
Baker B.S., Oliver B., Kim YJin.  1993.  Sex-lethal, master and slave: the hierarchy of germline sex determination in Drosophila.. Development. 119(3):897-908.
Betzig E, Chichester RJ.  1993.  Single molecules observed by near-field scanning optical microscopy. (With commentary). Science. 262:1422-5.
Manber U, Myers E.  1993.  Suffix arrays: a new method for on-line string searches.. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing: A Publication of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. 22:935-48.
Heberlein U, Wolff T, Rubin GM.  1993.  The TGF beta homolog dpp and the segment polarity gene hedgehog are required for propagation of a morphogenetic wave in the Drosophila retina.. Cell. 75(5):913-26.
Spruston N, Jaffe DB, Williams SH, Johnston D.  1993.  Voltage- and space-clamp errors associated with the measurement of electrotonically remote synaptic events.. J Neurophysiol. 70(2):781-802.