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Spruston N, Schiller Y, Stuart G, Sakmann B.  1995.  Activity-dependent action potential invasion and calcium influx into hippocampal CA1 dendrites.. Science. 268(5208):297-300.
Dairaghi DJ, Shadel GS, Clayton DA.  1995.  Addition of a 29 residue carboxyl-terminal tail converts a simple HMG box-containing protein into a transcriptional activator.. Journal of Molecular Biology. 249(1):11-28.
Spruston N, Jonas P, Sakmann B.  1995.  Dendritic glutamate receptor channels in rat hippocampal CA3 and CA1 pyramidal neurons.. J Physiol. 482 ( Pt 2):325-52.
Hay BA, Wassarman DA, Rubin GM.  1995.  Drosophila homologs of baculovirus inhibitor of apoptosis proteins function to block cell death.. Cell. 83(7):1253-62.
Heberlein U, Singh CM, Luk AY, Donohoe TJ.  1995.  Growth and differentiation in the Drosophila eye coordinated by hedgehog.. Nature. 373(6516):709-11.
Stern DL, Aoki S, Kurosu DU.  1995.  The life cycle and natural history of the tropical aphid Cerataphis fransseni (Homoptera: Aphididae: Hormaphidinae), with reference to the evolution of host alternation in aphids. Journal of natural history. 29(1):231-242.
Heberlein U, Moses K.  1995.  Mechanisms of Drosophila retinal morphogenesis: the virtues of being progressive.. Cell. 81(7):987-90.
Baker B.S., Bashaw G.J..  1995.  The msl-2 dosage compensation gene of Drosophila encodes a putative DNA-binding protein whose expression is sex-specifically regulated by Sex-lethal.. Development. 121(10):3245-58.
Xu B, Clayton DA.  1995.  A persistent RNA-DNA hybrid is formed during transcription at a phylogenetically conserved mitochondrial DNA sequence.. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 15(1):580-9.
Stern DL.  1995.  Phylogenetic evidence that aphids, rather than plants, determine gall morphology. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences. 260(1357):85-89.
Stuart G, Spruston N.  1995.  Probing dendritic function with patch pipettes.. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 5(3):389-94.
Betzig E.  1995.  Proposed method for molecular optical imaging. (With commentary). Optics Letters. 20:237-9.
Brown TA, Evangelista C, Trumpower BL.  1995.  Regulation of nuclear genes encoding mitochondrial proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.. Journal of Bacteriology. 177(23):6836-43.
Chanut F, Heberlein U.  1995.  Role of the morphogenetic furrow in establishing polarity in the Drosophila eye.. Development. 121(12):4085-94.
Brown TA, Trumpower BL.  1995.  Strain-dependent variation in carbon source regulation of nucleus-encoded mitochondrial proteins of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.. Journal of Bacteriology. 177(5):1380-2.
Myers EW.  1995.  Toward simplifying and accurately formulating fragment assembly.. Journal of Computational Biology: A Journal of Computational Molecular Cell Biology. 2(2):275-90.
Smith JD, Schull J, Strote J, McGee K, Egnor R, Erb L.  1995.  The uncertain response in the bottlenosed dolphin (Tursiops truncatus).. Journal of Experimental Psychology. 124(4):391-408.
Rebay I, Rubin GM.  1995.  Yan functions as a general inhibitor of differentiation and is negatively regulated by activation of the Ras1/MAPK pathway.. Cell. 81(6):857-66.