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Betzig E, Trautman JK, Harris TD, Weiner JS, Kostelak RL.  1991.  Breaking the diffraction barrier: optical microscopy on a nanometric scale.. Science. 251(5000):1468-70.
Betzig E, Trautman JK, Harris TD, Weiner JS, Kostelak RL.  1991.  Breaking the diffraction barrier: optical microscopy on a nanometric scale. (With commentary). Science. 251(5000):1468-70.
Hess JF, Parisi MA, Bennett JL, Clayton DA.  1991.  Impairment of mitochondrial transcription termination by a point mutation associated with the MELAS subgroup of mitochondrial encephalomyopathies.. Nature. 351(6323):236-9.
[Anonymous].  1991.  Male territoriality and alternative male behaviors in the euglossine bee, Eulaema meriana (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. 64(4):421-437.
Baker B.S., Kuroda M.I., Kreber M.J., Ganetzky B..  1991.  The maleless protein associates with the X chromosome to regulate dosage compensation in Drosophila.. Cell. 66(5):935-48.
Fortini ME, Rubin GM.  1991.  The optic lobe projection pattern of polarization-sensitive photoreceptor cells in Drosophila melanogaster.. Cell and Tissue Research. 265(1):185-91.
Simon MA, Bowtell DD, Dodson GS, Laverty TR, Rubin GM.  1991.  Ras1 and a putative guanine nucleotide exchange factor perform crucial steps in signaling by the sevenless protein tyrosine kinase.. Cell. 67(4):701-16.
Witten JL, Truman JW.  1991.  The regulation of transmitter expression in postembryonic lineages in the moth Manduca sexta. II. Role of cell lineage and birth order.. The Journal of Neuroscience: The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 11(7):1990-7.
Parisi MA, Clayton DA.  1991.  Similarity of human mitochondrial transcription factor 1 to high mobility group proteins.. Science. 252(5008):965-9.
Stern DL, Dudley R.  1991.  Wing buzzing by male orchid bees, Eulaema meriana (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. 64(1):88-94.
Kurosu U, Stern DL, Aoki S.  1990.  Agonistic interactions between ants and gall-living soldier aphids. Journal of Ethology. 8(2):139-141.
Fortini ME, Rubin GM.  1990.  Analysis of cis-acting requirements of the Rh3 and Rh4 genes reveals a bipartite organization to rhodopsin promoters in Drosophila melanogaster.. Genes & Development. 4(3):444-63.
Altschul SF, Gish W, Miller W., Myers EW, Lipman DJ.  1990.  Basic local alignment search tool.. Journal of Molecular Biology. 215(3):403-10.
Kravchenko SV, Rinberg DA, Semenchinsky SG, Pudalov VM.  1990.  Evidence for the influence of electron-electron interaction on the chemical potential of the two-dimensional electron gas.. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. 42(6):3741-44.
Kimmel BE, Heberlein U, Rubin GM.  1990.  The homeo domain protein rough is expressed in a subset of cells in the developing Drosophila eye where it can specify photoreceptor cell subtype.. Genes & Development. 4(5):712-27.
Phillips JD, Schmitt ME, Brown TA, Beckmann JD, Trumpower BL.  1990.  Isolation and characterization of QCR9, a nuclear gene encoding the 7.3-kDa subunit 9 of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae ubiquinol-cytochrome c oxidoreductase complex. An intron-containing gene with a conserved sequence occurring in the intron of COX4.. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 265:20813-21.
Wagner HN.  1990.  Merrill C. Sosman lecture. Drugs, behavior, and brain chemistry.. American Journal of Roentgenology. 155(5):925-31.
Kimura KI, Truman JW.  1990.  Postmetamorphic cell death in the nervous and muscular systems of Drosophila melanogaster.. The Journal of Neuroscience: The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 10(2):403-1.
Schmitt ME, Brown TA, Trumpower BL.  1990.  A rapid and simple method for preparation of RNA from Saccharomyces cerevisiae.. Nucleic Acids Research. 18(10):3091-2.
Baker NE, Mlodzik M, Rubin GM.  1990.  Spacing differentiation in the developing Drosophila eye: a fibrinogen-related lateral inhibitor encoded by scabrous.. Science. 250(4986):1370-7.
van Huffelen AC, van der Meij W.  1990.  Topographic EEG analysis in patients with benign focal epilepsy of childhood (BFEC).. Acta Neurologica Belgica. 90(4):183-9.