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Treisman JE, Heberlein U.  1998.  Eye development in Drosophila: formation of the eye field and control of differentiation.. Current Topics in Developmental Biology. 39:119-58.
Lee DY, Clayton DA.  1998.  Initiation of mitochondrial DNA replication by transcription and R-loop processing.. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 273(46):30614-21.
Marvin JS, Hellinga HW.  1998.  Introduction of fluorescent allosteric signal transduction elements into glucose-binding protein: construction of a novel glucose sensor.. Journal of the American Chemical Society. :7-11.
Larsson NG, Wang J, Wilhelmsson H, Oldfors A, Rustin P, Lewandoski M, Barsh GS, Clayton DA.  1998.  Mitochondrial transcription factor A is necessary for mtDNA maintenance and embryogenesis in mice.. Nature Genetics. 18(3):231-6.
Borod ER, Heberlein U.  1998.  Mutual regulation of decapentaplegic and hedgehog during the initiation of differentiation in the Drosophila retina.. Devopemental Biology. 197(2):187-97.
Stern DL.  1998.  Phylogeny of the Tribe Cerataphidini (Homoptera) and the Evolution of the Horned Soldier Aphids. Evolution. 52:155-165.
Hellinga HW, Marvin JS.  1998.  Protein engineering and the development of generic biosensors.. Trends in Biotechnology. 16(4):183-9.
Stern DL.  1998.  A role of Ultrabithorax in morphological differences between Drosophila species.. Nature. 396(6710):463-6.
Lübke J, Frotscher M, Spruston N.  1998.  Specialized electrophysiological properties of anatomically identified neurons in the hilar region of the rat fascia dentata.. J Neurophysiol. 79(3):1518-34.
Tecott LH, Heberlein U.  1998.  Y do we drink? Cell. 95(6):733-5.
Stuart G, Spruston N, Sakmann B, Häusser M.  1997.  Action potential initiation and backpropagation in neurons of the mammalian CNS.. Trends Neurosci. 20(3):125-31.
Stern DL, Whitfield JA, Foster WA.  1997.  Behavior and morphology of monomorphic soldiers from the aphid genus Pseudoregma (Cerataphidini, Hormaphididae): implications for the evolution of morphological castes in social aphids. Insectes Sociaux. 44(4):379-392.
Stern D, Aoki S, Kurosu S.  1997.  Determining aphid taxonomic affinities and life cycles with molecular data: a case study of the tribe Cerataphidini (Hormaphididae: Aphidoidea: Hemiptera). Systematic Entomology. 22(1):81-96.
McNabb SL, Baker JD, Agapite J, Steller H, Riddiford LM, Truman JW.  1997.  Disruption of a behavioral sequence by targeted death of peptidergic neurons in Drosophila.. Neuron. 19(4):813-23.
Stern DL, Foster WA.  1997.  The evolution of sociality in aphids: a clone’s-eye view. The evolution of social behavior in insects and arachnids.. :150-165.
Treisman JE, Luk A, Rubin GM, Heberlein U.  1997.  eyelid antagonizes wingless signaling during Drosophila development and has homology to the Bright family of DNA-binding proteins.. Genes & Development. 11(15):1949-62.
Weber JL, Myers EW.  1997.  Human whole-genome shotgun sequencing.. Genome Research. 7:401-9.
Spruston N, Lübke J, Frotscher M.  1997.  Interneurons in the stratum lucidum of the rat hippocampus: an anatomical and electrophysiological characterization.. J Comp Neurol. 385(3):427-40.
Gammie SC, Truman JW.  1997.  Neuropeptide hierarchies and the activation of sequential motor behaviors in the hawkmoth, Manduca sexta.. The Journal of Neuroscience: The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 17(11):4389-97.
Jung HY, Mickus T, Spruston N.  1997.  Prolonged sodium channel inactivation contributes to dendritic action potential attenuation in hippocampal pyramidal neurons.. J Neurosci. 17(17):6639-46.
Marvin JS, Corcoran EE, Hattangadi NA, Zhang JV, Gere SA, Hellinga HW.  1997.  The rational design of allosteric interactions in a monomeric protein and its applications to the construction of biosensors.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 94(9):4366-71.
Baker B.S., Bashaw G.J..  1997.  The regulation of the Drosophila msl-2 gene reveals a function for sex-lethal in translational control.. Cell. 89(5):789-98.
Robinett CC, O’Connor A, Dunaway M.  1997.  The repeat organizer, a specialized insulator element within the intergenic spacer of the Xenopus rRNA genes.. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 17(5):2866-75.
Chanut F, Heberlein U.  1997.  Retinal morphogenesis in Drosophila: hints from an eye-specific decapentaplegic allele.. Developmental Genetics. 20(3):197-207.
Clayton DA, Lee DY.  1997.  RNase MRP correctly cleaves a novel R loop at the mitochondrial DNA leading-strand origin of replication.. Genes & Development. 11(5):582-92.