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Li X, Gamuyao R, Wu M-L, Cho WJung, Kurtz NB, King SV, Petersen R.A., Stabley DR, Lindow C, Climer L et al..  2024.  A fluorogenic complementation tool kit for interrogating lipid droplet-organelle interaction. J. Cell Biol.. 223(9):e202311126.
Kumari R, Ven K, Chastney M, Kokate SB, Peränen J, Aaron J, Kogan K, Almeida-Souza L, Kremneva E, Poincloux R et al..  2024.  Focal adhesions contain three specialized actin nanoscale layers. Nature Communications. 15(1)
Sinclair R, Wang M, Jawaid MZaki, Longkumer T, Aaron J, Rossetti B, Wait E, McDonald K, Cox D, Heddleston J et al..  2024.  Four-dimensional quantitative analysis of cell plate development using lattice light sheet microscopy identifies robust transition points between growth phases.. Journal of Experimental Botany.
Sinclair R, Wang M, Jawaid MZaki, Longkumer T, Aaron J, Rossetti B, Wait E, McDonald K, Cox D, Heddleston J et al..  2024.  Four-dimensional quantitative analysis of cell plate development in Arabidopsis using lattice light sheet microscopy identifies robust transition points between growth phases. J Exp Bot. 75(10):2829-2847.
Yaguchi K, Saito D, Menon T, Matsura A, Mizutani T, Kotani T, Nair S, Uehara R.  2024.  Haploidy-linked cell proliferation defects limit larval growth in Zebrafish. bioRxiv.
Hario S, Le GNT, Sugimoto H, Takahashi-Yamashiro K, Nishinami S, Toda H, Li S, Marvin JS, Kuroda S, Drobizhev M et al..  2024.  High-Performance Genetically Encoded Green Fluorescent Biosensors for Intracellular l-Lactate.. ACS Central Science. 10(2):402-416.
Bhattacharya S, Ettela A, Haydak J, Hobson CM, Stern A, Yoo M, Chew T-L, G Gusella L, Gallagher EJ, Hone JC et al..  2024.  A high-throughput microfabricated platform for rapid quantification of metastatic potential.. Sci Adv. 10(33):eadk0015.
Guerrero DKRangel, Balueva K, Barayeu U, Baracskay P, Gridchyn I, Nardin M, Roth CNina, Wulff P, Csicsvari J.  2024.  Hippocampal cholecystokinin-expressing interneurons regulate temporal coding and contextual learning. Neuron.
Carrillo RA, Wang Y, Salazar R, Simonetta L, Sorrentino V, Gatton TJ, Wu B, Vecsey CG.  2024.  hkb is required for DIP-α expression and target recognition in the Drosophila neuromuscular circuit. Communications Biology. 7(507)
Xu C, Ramos TB, Rogers EM, Reiser MB, Doe CQ.  2024.  Homeodomain proteins hierarchically specify neuronal diversity and synaptic connectivity. eLife.
Yi B, Tanaka YL, Kosako H, Butlertanaka EP, Sengupta P, Lippincott-Schwartz J, Saito A, Yoshimura SH.  2024.  Host ZCCHC3 blocks HIV-1 infection and production by a dual mechanism. iScience.
Zouinkhi M, Rhoades JL, Weigel AV.  2024.  Hot-Distance: Combining One-Hot and Signed Distance Embeddings for Segmentation. arXiv. :2406.17936.
Boffi NM, Guo Y, Rycroft CH, Amir A.  2024.  How microscopic epistasis and clonal interference shape the fitness trajectory in a spin glass model of microbial long-term evolution. eLife.
Hou K, Ge P, Sawaya MR, Dolinsky JL, Yang Y, Jiang YXiao, Lutter L, Boyer DR, Cheng X, Pi J et al..  2024.  How short peptides can disassemble ultra-stable tau fibrils extracted from Alzheimer’s disease brain by a strain-relief mechanism. bioRxiv.
Christenson MP, Diez ASanz, Heath SL, Saavedra-Weisenhaus M, Adachi A, Nern A, Abbott LF, Behnia R.  2024.  Hue selectivity from recurrent circuitry in Drosophila. Nat Neurosci.
Marvin JS, Kokotos AC, Kumar M, Pulido C, Tkachuk AN, Yao JShuxin, Brown TA, Ryan TA.  2024.  iATPSnFR2: a high dynamic range fluorescent sensor for monitoring intracellular ATP. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.
Yamaguchi N, Otsuna H, Eisenberg-Bord M, Ramakrishnan L.  2024.  An Image Processing Tool for Automated Quantification of Bacterial Burdens in Zebrafish Larvae. bioRxiv.
Ruan X, Mueller M, Liu G, Görlitz F, Fu T-M, Milkie DE, Lillvis J, Killilea A, Betzig E, Upadhyayula S.  2024.  Image processing tools for petabyte-scale light sheet microscopy data.. bioRxiv.
Fiore A, Yu G, Northey JJ, Patel R, Ravenscroft TA, Ikegami R, Kolkman W, Kumar P, Grimm JB, Dilan TL et al..  2024.  Imaging the extracellular matrix in live tissues and organisms with a glycan-binding fluorophore. bioRxiv.
Gmaz JM, Keller JA, Dudman JT, Gallego JA.  2024.  Integrating across behaviors and timescales to understand the neural control of movement.. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 85:102843.
Hoang N, Sardaripour N, Ramey GD, Schilling K, Liao E, Chen Y, Park JHyun, Bledsoe X, Landman BA, Gamazon ER et al..  2024.  Integration of estimated regional gene expression with neuroimaging and clinical phenotypes at biobank scale.. PLoS Biol. 22(9):e3002782.
Schneider MC, Hinterer F, Jesacher A, Schütz GJ.  2024.  Interactive simulation and visualization of point spread functions in single molecule imaging.. Optics Communications.
Coscia SM, Moore AS, Thompson CP, Tirrito CF, E Ostap M, Holzbaur ELF.  2024.  An interphase actin wave promotes mitochondrial content mixing and organelle homeostasis.. Nat Commun. 15(1):3793.
Yang S, Heckmann J, Taha A, Gao S, Steinke S, Hust M, Prüß H, Furukawa H, Geis C, Heckmann M et al..  2024.  It only takes seconds for a human monoclonal autoantibody to inhibit N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors. bioRxiv.
Peale DR, Hess H, Lee P.R, Cardona A, Bock DD, Schneider-Mizell C, Fetter RD, Lee W-P, Robinson CG, Iyer N et al..  2024.  iTome Volumetric Serial Sectioning Apparatus for TEM. bioRxiv.