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Schwabe T, Bainton RJ, Fetter RD, Heberlein U, Gaul U.  2005.  GPCR signaling is required for blood-brain barrier formation in drosophila.. Cell. 123(1):133-44.
Scholz H, Franz M, Heberlein U.  2005.  The hangover gene defines a stress pathway required for ethanol tolerance development.. Nature. 436(7052):845-7.
Song S, Sjöström PJesper, Reigl M, Nelson S, Chklovskii DB.  2005.  Highly nonrandom features of synaptic connectivity in local cortical circuits.. PLoS Biology. 3(3):e68.
Koulakov AA, Rinberg DA, Tsigankov DN.  2005.  How to find decision makers in neural networks.. Biological Cybernetics. 93(6):447-62.
Cardona A, Fernández J, Solana J, Romero R.  2005.  An in situ hybridization protocol for planarian embryos: monitoring myosin heavy chain gene expression.. Development Genes & Evolution. 215(9):482-88.
Zhai W, Jeong H, Cui L, Krainc D, Tjian R.  2005.  In vitro analysis of huntingtin-mediated transcriptional repression reveals multiple transcription factor targets.. Cell. 123(7):1241-53.
Corl AB, Rodan AR, Heberlein U.  2005.  Insulin signaling in the nervous system regulates ethanol intoxication in Drosophila melanogaster.. Nature Neuroscience. 8(1):18-9.
Murphy GJ, Darcy DP, Isaacson JS.  2005.  Intraglomerular inhibition: signaling mechanisms of an olfactory microcircuit.. Nature Neuroscience. 8(3):354-64.
Ahammad P, Harmon C, Hammonds AS, Sastry S, Rubin GM.  2005.  Joint nonparametric alignment for analyzing spatial gene expression patterns of Drosophila imaginal discs.. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2:755-60.
Mongillo G, Curti E, Romani S, Amit DJ.  2005.  Learning in realistic networks of spiking neurons and spike-driven plastic synapses.. European Journal of Neuroscience. 21(11):3143-60.
Gonen T, Cheng Y, Sliz P, Hiroaki Y, Fujiyoshi Y, Harrison SC, Walz T.  2005.  Lipid-protein interactions in double-layered two-dimensional AQP0 crystals.. Nature. 438(7068):633-8.
Falender AE, Freiman RN, Geles KG, Lo KC, Hwang KS, Lamb DJ, Morris PL, Tjian R, Richards JAS.  2005.  Maintenance of spermatogenesis requires TAF4b, a gonad-specific subunit of TFIID.. Genes & Development. 19(7):794-803.
Pultz MAnne, Westendorf L, Gale SD, Hawkins K, Lynch J, Pitt JN, Reeves NL, C Y Yao J, Small S, Desplan C et al..  2005.  A major role for zygotic hunchback in patterning the Nasonia embryo.. Development . 132(16):3705-15.
Manoli DS, Foss M, Villella A, Taylor BJ, Hall JC, Baker BS.  2005.  Male-specific fruitless specifies the neural substrates of Drosophila courtship behaviour.. Nature. 436(7049):395-400.
Clack NG, Groves JT.  2005.  Many-particle tracking with nanometer resolution in three dimensions by reflection interference contrast microscopy.. Langmuir: The ACS Journal of Surfaces and Colloids. 21(14):6430-5.
Jin R, Clark S, Weeks AM, Dudman JT, Gouaux E, Partin KM.  2005.  Mechanism of positive allosteric modulators acting on AMPA receptors.. The Journal of Neuroscience: The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 25(39):9027-36.
Ding C, Peng H.  2005.  Minimum redundancy feature selection from microarray gene expression data.. Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. 3(2):185-205.
Hantman AW, Perl ER.  2005.  Molecular and genetic features of a labeled class of spinal substantia gelatinosa neurons in a transgenic mouse.. Journal of Computational Neuroscience. 492(1):90-100.
Zhang Z, Reese JC.  2005.  Molecular genetic analysis of the yeast repressor Rfx1/Crt1 reveals a novel two-step regulatory mechanism.. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 25(17):7399-411.
Bainton RJ, Tsai LT-Y, Schwabe T, DeSalvo M, Gaul U, Heberlein U.  2005.  Moody encodes two GPCRs that regulate cocaine behaviors and blood-brain barrier permeability in Drosophila.. Cell. 123(1):145-56.
W Frankino A, Zwaan BJ, Stern DL, Brakefield PM.  2005.  Natural selection and developmental constraints in the evolution of allometries.. Science. 307(5710):718-20.
Stepanyants A, Chklovskii DB.  2005.  Neurogeometry and potential synaptic connectivity.. Trends in Neurosciences. 28(7):387-94.
Shingleton AW, Stern DL, Foster WA.  2005.  The origin of a mutualism: a morphological trait promoting the evolution of ant-aphid mutualisms.. Evolution. 59(4):921-6.
Cooper DC, Chung S, Spruston N.  2005.  Output-mode transitions are controlled by prolonged inactivation of sodium channels in pyramidal neurons of subiculum.. PLoS Biol. 3(6):e175.
Magee JC, Johnston D.  2005.  Plasticity of dendritic function.. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 15:334-42.