Junior Scientist Workshops are intense, interactive meetings designed specifically for graduate students, postdocs and other trainees. Attendees will present their work, receive and provide critical feedback, engage in lively discussions and network with peers. Janelia covers the cost of travel, meals and a room in our guest house for accepted participants.
Application deadlines vary by meeting. See descriptions for more details.
Organized by Emily Dennis, Sue Ann Koay, Michael Reiser, Carsen Stringer, and Jakob Voigts, this Junior Scientist Workshop provides an exciting opportunity for graduate students, recent PhDs, and those in similar positions (e.g. staff scientists) who are interested in the mechanistic basis of cognition to present their research to a diverse audience and discuss ideas for the future, while also discovering potential independent early-career options at Janelia.
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Organized by Ahmed El Hady, Magdalena Schneider, and Allyson Sgro, this workshop is intended as a "by the students, for the students" meeting. Other than the organizers and invited speakers, participants will include only students and postdocs working on a variety of problems in theoretical biophysics, broadly defined. Topics include but not limited to :
· Physical principles underlying biological function in molecular, cellular, multicellular systems
· Theory of organismal development
· Theory of animal behavior, ecological systems, and evolutionary dynamics
· Data driven identification of principles in biophysical systems
· Physics of active matter
· Non–equilibrium thermodynamics of living systems
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