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Developmental Specification of Complex Behaviors

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Developmental Specification of Complex Behaviors

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October 13 - 16, 2024
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Developmental programs within neural stem cells and their lineages program identity, connectivity, and function of individual neuron types, and we believe that understanding circuit development will reveal the organization of information flow in the nervous system that shapes behavior. Testing this hypothesis spans disciplines from developmental biology to behavioral neuroscience and requires diverse expertise, from molecular biology to imaging to mathematical modeling. Over the course of this meeting, we will address three broad challenges: 1) how lineage-derived information shapes circuits and connectivity patterns for innate and learned behaviors, 2) how endocrine and paracrine developmental signaling coordinate developmental transitions and sex differentiation events across the brain to produce juvenile and adult behaviors from the same genome, and 3) the development of unprecedented, evolutionarily relevant circuit engineering approaches and design of new computational modalities in living brains. We look forward to a uniquely transformative gathering of researchers working at the intersection of development and behavior to illuminate how developmental mechanisms shape complex behaviors.

Janelia will cover lodging and meals for all participants, and travel support is available to those in need (please indicate need in that portion of the application). Participants are expected to stay for the duration of the workshop and will also have an opportunity to extend their stay for continued discussion and collaborative time. 

The meeting will begin at 6pm ET on the first day and end by 1pm ET on the last.

Applications are closed.

Please note: Because Janelia conferences are intentionally small and selective, we may not be able to accommodate all applicants. We strive for as broad a representation across labs as possible and therefore may limit participation to one person per group. Preference is given to applicants who are active researchers in the field and intend to present their work as a poster or selected talk.

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Isabel Espinosa Medina, HHMI/Janelia Research Campus
Josie Clowney, University of Michigan
David Schoppik, New York University
Mubarak Syed, University of New Mexico

Invited Participants

Seth Blackshaw, Johns Hopkins University
Jeremy Dasen, New York University
Karen David, National Institutes of Health BRAIN Initiative
Claude Desplan, New York University
Chris Doe, HHMI/University of Oregon
Sascha du Lac, Johns Hopkins University
Felice Dunn, University of California, San Francisco
Andrea Gomez, University of California, Berkeley
Lisa Goodrich, Harvard University
Brigitta Gundersen, Simons Foundation
Bassem Hassan, ICM Paris Brain Institute
Ellie Heckscher, University of Chicago
Simon Hippenmeyer, Institute of Science and Technology Austria
Oliver Hobert, HHMI/Columbia University
Betty Hong, California Institute of Technology
Leena Ibrahim, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Alex Kolodkin, Johns Hopkins University
Minoru Koyama, University of Toronto
Yerbol Kurmangaliyev, Brandeis University
Haluk Lacin, University of Missouri–Kansas City
Tzumin Lee, HHMI/University of Michigan
Ariel Levine, National Institutes of Health/NINDS
Richard Mann, Columbia University
Christian Mayer, Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology
Katherine Nagel, New York University
Tulsi Patel, Rutgers University
Esther Serrano-Saiz, CBM Severo Ochoa
Troy Shirangi, Villanova University
HaoSheng Sun, HHMI/University of Alabama at Birmingham
Jessica Tollkuhn, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Maria Tosches, Columbia University
Jim Truman, University of Washington