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Junior Scientist Workshop on Theoretical Biophysics

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Junior Scientist Workshop on Theoretical Biophysics

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October 26 - 31, 2025
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Organized by Ahmed El Hady, Magdalena Schneider, and Allyson Sgro, this workshop is intended as a "by the students, for the students" meeting. Other than the organizers and invited speakers, participants will include only students and postdocs working on a variety of problems in theoretical biophysics, broadly defined. Topics include but not limited to :

· Physical principles underlying biological function in molecular, cellular, multicellular systems

· Theory of organismal development

· Theory of animal behavior, ecological systems, and evolutionary dynamics

· Data driven identification of principles in biophysical systems

· Physics of active matter

· Non–equilibrium thermodynamics of living systems

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Attendees will have the opportunity to present as well as learn from one another. They will give 20-minute talks on their own research questions, as well as in-depth 45-minute whiteboard tutorials on techniques central to their research. To promote spontaneous interactions and community discussions, tutorials will be chalk talk style.

We are interested in those who will be able to participate in and actively contribute to all activities, so space is limited and participants are expected to stay for the full duration. We see this workshop as a unique learning opportunity for everyone involved and intend for it to be a valuable and enjoyable experience.

Janelia will cover the cost of accommodation, meals and reasonable travel expenses for accepted participants.

Application deadline: June 10, 2025 (11:59pm ET.)

Application Instructions

To be considered, applicants must apply online and provide:

  1. Research Abstract
  2. Tutorial Abstract
  3. Answers to Scientific Thought Questions
  4. Interest Statement
  5. Current CV
  6. PI Recommendation Letter