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Junior Scientist Workshop on Biological Optical Microscopy

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Junior Scientist Workshop on Biological Optical Microscopy

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September 8 - 12, 2019
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Organized by Ilaria TestaKaspar PodgorskiPhilipp Keller, and Luke Lavis this interactive workshop for graduate students and postdocs will explore the near future of optical microscopy in the biological sciences. Its collaborative format will bring together researchers from diverse backgrounds with a common interest in improved optical techniques for the biological sciences. We will discuss open challenges and strategies for addressing them, emerging imaging methods and modalities, and ways in which computational and closed-loop approaches can be used to study biology.

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We encourage applications from junior scientists and hands-on researchers from any field, pursuing new approaches to challenging problems. We are especially interested in as-yet unsolved problems, and in new technologies that will enable previously-impossible measurements and manipulations. The agenda will be tailored to the specific interests of the participants, allowing attendees to interact with guest experts within their fields, researchers from other disciplines, and biologists interested in applying new technology. Time will be reserved for interactive tutorials on topics of interest to the group. The organizers will share their own visions for the near future of biological microscopy and we invite bold ideas from all participants.

To maintain the small group atmosphere, space in the workshop is limited, and participants are expected to stay for the duration.

Janelia will cover the cost of accommodation, meals and reasonable travel expenses.


Application Instructions

To be considered, applicants must apply online and provide:

  1. Research Abstract
  2. Answers to two Thought Questions
  3. Current CV
  4. Recommendation Letter                                                                                                                                                                

Application Deadline: May 24, 2019 (11:59 p.m. EST)