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Analysis and Modeling of Connectomes

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Analysis and Modeling of Connectomes

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June 1 - 4, 2025
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Connectomics is now a mature field, producing a wealth of data, from connectomes of neural circuits to connectomes of the entire nervous system of small animals. There is an urgent need for modeling and analysis methods to derive insights into brain function from these structural measurements of neural connectivity. This conference is focused on the modeling and analysis of connectomes. Examples include (a) using the connectome to propose how a biological computation works, or determine if a proposed mechanism is plausible; (b) using the connectome plus analysis to determine currently inaccessible parameters, such as learning rates and synapse strengths; (c) improved analysis, modeling, and/or simulation techniques for existing connectomes; (d) analysis techniques for future more comprehensive connectomes, such as those including gap junctions, neuromodulators and cellular machinery; and finally (e) any other results related to the analysis of connectomes.

Janelia will cover lodging and meals for all participants, and travel support is available to those in need (please indicate need in that portion of the application). Participants are expected to stay for the duration of the meeting.

The meeting will begin at 6pm ET on the first day and end by 1pm ET on the last.

Applications are closed

Please note: Because Janelia conferences are intentionally small and selective, we may not be able to accommodate all applicants. We strive for a broad representation across labs and therefore may limit participation to one person per group. Preference is given to applicants who are active researchers in the field and intend to present their work as a poster or selected talk.

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Lou Scheffer, HHMI/Janelia Research Campus
Srini Turaga, HHMI/Janelia Research Campus
Julijana Gjorgjieva, Technical University of Munich
Ashok Litwin-Kumar, Columbia University

Invited Participants

Christa Baker, North Carolina State University
Philipp Berens, University of Tübingen
Albert Cardona, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Marta Costa, University of Cambridge
Carina Curto, Brown University
Barry Dickson, University of Queensland
Katharina Eichler, Leipzig University
Ila Fiete, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
James Fitzgerald, Northwestern University
Gabrielle Gutierrez, Barnard College
Moritz Helmstaedter, Max Planck Institute for Brain Research
Ann Hermundstad, HHMI/Janelia Research Campus
Yerbol Kurmangaliyev, Brandeis University
Andrew Leifer, Princeton University
Jakob Macke, Tübingen University
Mala Murthy, Princeton University
Marcella Noorman, HHMI/Janelia Research Campus
Dean Pospisil, Princeton University
Marta Sales Pardo, University of Rovira i Virgili
Alessandro Sanzeni, Bocconi University
Casey Schneider-Mizell, Allen Institute
Elad Schneidman, Weizmann Institute of Science
Susanne Schreiber, Humboldt University
Sebastian Seung, Princeton University
Eric Shea-Brown, University of Washington
Marta Zlatic, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology