Women in Computational Biology
Janelia’s first “Women in Computational Biology” conference will showcase extraordinary research being done by women in this traditionally male-dominated field. Although small in size (~60 people), the conference will be thematically broad, with presentations and discussions on the application of computer science, mathematics and physics to cellular and molecular biology, evolutionary biology, genomics, neuroscience and image analysis. A Program Committee of six field leaders have hand-selected the invited speakers for their particular sessions and will help the organizers shape the program. A full list of program chairs and invitees is included below.
The intimate nature of Janelia conferences offers an ideal forum for attendees to network and build collaborations. Participants in this unique and exciting meeting will include women working in computational biology, as well as those of any gender who are committed to advancing or promoting the accomplishments of women in computational biology.
While presenters will identify primarily as female, all genders and those who are non-binary are welcome to apply.
Application Deadline EXTENDED to June 28, 2019 (11:59 p.m. EST)
Kristin Branson, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI
Ann Hermundstad, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI
Dagmar Kainmueller, Berlin Institute of Health
Program Chairs
Adrienne Fairhall, University of Washington
Anna Kreshuk, European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)
Dana Pe'er, Sloan Kettering Institute
Molly Przeworski, Columbia University
Mona Singh, Princeton University
Carolina Wahlby, Uppsala University
Invited Participants
Bonnie Berger, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Magda Bienko, Karolinska Institutet
Hannah Carter, University of California, San Diego
Beth Cimini, Broad Institute
Barbara Englehardt, Princeton University
Kelley Harris, University of Washington
Anjali Hinch, Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
Dagmar Kainmueller, Berlin Institute of Health
Debora Marks, Harvard University
Mackenzie Mathis, Harvard University
Shilpa Nadimpalli Kobren, Harvard University
Pleuni Pennings, San Francisco State University
Teresa Przytycka, NCBI/National Institutes of Health
Tatyana Sharpee, Salk Institute for Biological Studies
Avanti Shrikumar, Stanford University
Genevieve Stein-O'Brien, Johns Hopkins University
Merav Stern, University of Washington
Virginie Uhlmann, European Bioinformatics Institute
Aleksandra Walczak, Ecole Normale Superieure
Moran Yassour, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
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